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Why is Telecom Fraud a Crime?


Telecom fraud points to a crime that implements illegal practices to achieve their goal by using methods such as internet, phone calls, messages etc. telecom techniques. Through this non-contact method, directed at a wide variety of people using fictional facts and hiding the truth, those who have committed telecom fraud have also committed a crime.

二、常见形式Common Types of Telecom Fraud


Recently, telecom fraud has been committed by use of phone calls, SMS messages, ATM’s, and through use of the internet. We hope that students will maintain an alert attitude to Telecom Fraud.

1. 冒充公检法诈骗。骗子冒充“公安局、检察院、法院、社保、医保”的工作人员,用网络电话虚拟上述单位电话号码,以“社保、医保账户异常或涉嫌洗钱、贩毒罪等”为名,要求受害人登陆虚假的公、检、法网站查看通缉令,后再实施诈骗。

Telecom under the pretense of a public service officer. Pretending to work for ‘the Public Security Bureau, the Public Prosecutors Department, Law Offices, Social Insurance, Medical Insurance’ positions, and using methods over the phone using a fake phone number. Calls received under the pretense of being ‘social and medical insurances about an account’s suspicious activity, the suspicion of money laundering, gambling, or drug usage’ they may require one to log on to fake public security, inspection, or law websites in order to check orders for arrest, and later used to commit fraud.  

2. 银行卡消费、银行转账短信诈骗。骗子会给你发送银行卡消费、转账或透支等相关短信,当你电话询问时,犯罪分子分别扮演“银行、警察、银联管理中心”的工作人员设下圈套。只要确定卡上有资金,他们就会让受害人把钱转到“安全账户”内,骗走钱财。

Bank card account activity, bank card transfers message fraud. Imposters will send messages about bank card activity, transfers, or overdrafts, when answering the phone, the imposters will often act as a worker of a ‘bank, police officer, Union-pay management center.’ After confirming that the card in question has a balance the ‘worker’ will then ask the victim to transfer the remaining balance to a ‘safe account’, thus cheating the victim of their money.

3. 刷卡消费诈骗。骗子通过短信提醒手机用户,称该用户银行卡刚刚在某商场、酒店刷卡消费等,如用户有疑问,可致电XX号码咨询。在用户回电后,其同伙就假冒银行客户服务中心的名义谎称该银行卡可能被复制盗用,利用受害人的恐慌心理,要求用户到银行ATM机上进行所谓的“加密操作”,逐步将受害人卡内的款项转到骗子指定的账户。

Credit-card consumption fraud. Imposters may use SMS messages sent to the victim’s phone, the message will inform the victim that their card was recently used at a mall, hotel, etc. If the victim has questions, they are advised to call XXX customer service. When the victim calls an imposter will pretend to be a banks costumer service representative and may say the victim’s card has been copied and used by a third party, in this way feeding into to the victim’s fear, they will then direct the victim to an ATM and perform an ‘encrypted operation’, ultimately leading the victim to transfer their funds to the impostor.

4. 提高信用卡额度诈骗。骗子在网络上谎称能为受害人办理提高信用卡额度的业务,利用受害人急于提高信用额度来获取资金的迫切心理,套取被害人银行卡卡号及消费验证码等信息后,将所消费购买的充值卡等物在网上销赃套取钱财。

Increasing credit limit fraud. The scammer falsely claimed on the Internet that he could handle the business of raising the credit limit for the victim, taking advantage of the victim's eagerness to raise their credit line to obtain funds, After obtaining the information such as the bank card number and consumption verification code of the victim, the prepaid card and other items purchased by the victim will be fenced online to obtain money.

5. 发送携带木马链接的短信诈骗。骗子使用伪基站冒充10086、95588等移动公司或银行客服电话发送包含钓鱼网站链接的短信,以积分兑奖、网银升级为由,诱使事主填写银行账号、密码,安装木马程序,进而将账户资金消费或转走。

SMS fraud sent with Trojan links. Imposters may use fake base stations to impersonate 10086, 95588 and other mobile companies or bank customer service phones to send text messages containing links to phishing websites, and induce the victim to fill in bank accounts, passwords, install Trojan Horse procedures, and then consume or transfer account funds.

6. 盗用QQ借款诈骗。骗子通过黑客手段,盗用受害人QQ后,分别给其QQ好友,发送请求借款信息进行诈骗。有的甚至在事先就有意和QQ使用人进行视频聊天,获取了使用人的视频信息,在实施诈骗时有意播放事先录制的使用人视频以获取信任。

Embezzlement through QQ loan fraud. Imposters may use hacking to embezzle through the victim’s QQ, respectively using their QQ friends, by sending requests for loan information for fraud. Some even intentionally chat with QQ users in advance, they may obtain the user's previously recorded videos, and intentionally play the pre-recorded user video to gain trust when the fraud is committed.

7. “猜猜我是谁”诈骗。骗子拨打受害人电话以“猜猜我是谁”的方式,让受害人误以为是其亲友,并将该陌生电话存入手机通讯录,骗取信任后,犯罪嫌疑人再次打电话以车祸或其他意外事故为借口骗取钱财。

"Guess who I am?" fraud. The liar may call the victim to "guess who I am", making the victim mistakenly think it is their relative or friend, the victim may save the strangers phone number in their contacts. After falsely gaining the victims trust, the imposter may call again to defraud money under the pretext of a car accident or a different accident.

8. 网络兼职刷信誉诈骗。骗子在网上发布“兼职刷信誉,给予高额报酬”的虚假广告,先要求受害人购买首笔订单,并进行少量返利,后以赚取更多提成为诱饵,诱骗受害人购买多笔订单,从而实施诈骗。

Online part-time credit job fraud. The imposter may publish false advertisements of "part-time credit, return high reward" online, they may first ask the victim to buy the first order, which may carry on a small rebate, then in order to earn more commission as bait, they may deceive the victim to buy more orders, thus carrying out the fraud.

9. 小额贷款诈骗。骗子通过发送短信或在网上发布虚假信息,称可提供低息或免息贷款,受害人与其联系后,对方就以先汇款至指定账户证明有偿还能力或缴纳保险、公证费等各种方式实施诈骗。

Small loan scams. Imposters may send text messages or false information on the Internet, saying they can provide low-interest or interest-free loans. After the victims contact them, the other party will send money to a designated account to prove that they are able to repay or pay insurance, notary fees and other ways to commit fraud.

10.  网购诈骗。一是骗子通过不法手段在淘宝、京东等网购平台非法获取被害人订单等相关信息,冒充客服以网站维护、账号订单异常、获取被害人银行卡及支付宝等信息,或骗取被害人登录钓鱼网站实施诈骗,最终将钱款转走。二是骗子向受害人发送出售二手车、低价优质手机等虚假信息,待被害人拨打联系电话想要购买时,骗子以交定金、保险金等理由进行诈骗。

Online shopping fraud. First, through illegal means, imposters might illegally obtain victim orders and other relevant information on Taobao, JD.com and other online shopping platforms, impersonate customer service and maintain a website, through abnormal account orders, they may obtain victim bank cards and Alipay and other information, or defraud victims to log on to fishing websites to carry out fraud, and finally transfer the money out of the victim’s account. Second, the imposter may use the ruse of selling used cars, low-cost high-quality mobile phones and other false information, when the victim calls the contact number to buy, the imposter will ask them to pay the deposit, insurance, and other methods in order to commit fraud.

11.  聊感情诈骗。骗子通过大型婚介网站上或更改位置定位手机附近的人寻找诈骗对象,冒充漂亮女子或有钱男子,通过聊天骗取信任,诱骗对方发红包、充话费或让被害人到虚假的投资理财平台进行投资,进而骗取被害人钱财。

Emotional fraud, ‘catfishing’. Imposters will look for through large matchmaking websites or change their location on their mobile phones, then they through impersonating beautiful women or rich men, cheat trust through chatting with the victim. They may deceive the victim in to sending red envelopes, paying for a phone number or they may lead the victims into investing in false investments and financial platforms, and then defraud victims of money.

12.  电信购物诈骗。骗子通过互联网发布电脑、衣物等物品转让信息,一旦受害人与其联系,即以“缴纳定金”、“交易手续费”等方式骗取钱财。

Telecom shopping scams. Scammers might release information on computers, clothing, and other items through the Internet. Once victims contact them, they cheat money by "paying a deposit," "transaction fees."

13.  电信招工诈骗。骗子借用某些知名的企业或工作机构的名义通过网络或电话发布招工信息,等受害人联系后以缴纳押金、保险、服装费等多种借口要求受害人向指定账户汇款。

Telecom recruitment fraud. The imposter may borrow the name of a well-known enterprise or work organization and release false recruitment information through the network or telephone. After contacting the victim, he asks the victim to remit money to the designated account under the pretext of paying a deposit, insurance, clothing and so on.

14.  虚假中奖信息诈骗。骗子通过发送中奖短信要求先行汇款以缴纳所得税进行诈骗。

False winnings, information fraud. Scammers commit fraud by sending winning text messages asking for advance remittances to pay income tax.

15.  骗子发布汇款信息进行诈骗,虚构异地刷卡消费信息进行诈骗,发布贷款信息诈骗。

Imposters may release remittance information for fraud, fictionalized long-distance credit card consumer information fraud, issued loan information fraud.

16.  骗子利用网上交友、征婚进行诈骗。

Impostors may use dating sites seeking to commit marriage fraud.

三、特别提醒 Special Reminders

1. 无论以何种理由要求你把资金打入陌生人帐户的行为都是电信诈骗。

No matter the situation please do not transfer money to a strangers account.

2. 犯罪分子利用“任意显号”软件冒充电信、公检法、税务机关总机电话,


Criminals may use "Display Any Number" software to pretend to be the switchboard telephone of telecommunications, public security organs and tax organs, providing a "security account" in the name of telephone arrears, personal information and credit cards suspected of crimes, and tax rebates for car purchases, and requesting the transfer of funds, are all examples of telecom fraud.

3. 电话中索要银行卡信息及验证码的、陌生短信或微信让点击链接的或通


Calls asking for bank card information and verification codes, strange SMS or WeChat’s that ask one to click on unknown links or using the ruse of a "family" accident to ask for first remittance, are fraud.

4. 凡是以“免抵押、低利息”为诱饵诱导学生贷款,并要求缴纳“手续费”、“管理费”、“保证金”的,均为诈骗。

Those who use "mortgage-free, low-interest" as bait to induce student loans and require payment of "handling fees," "management fees" and "margin" are fraud.


1. 不要有“贪图便宜”、“一夜暴富”、“天上掉馅饼”的心理。

Avoid thought processes that may encourage one to ‘go the easy road’,  ‘achieve wealth overnight’ and ‘hoping for money to fall from the sky’.

2. 不透露个人信息。要有个人资料信息保护意识。巩固自己的心理防线,不要向陌生人透露个人身份、手机号码、家庭及父母或亲戚的电话、银行账号、验证码等相关信息。

Do not disclose personal information. One should have a heightened sense of personal information protection awareness. Strengthen your own psychological defense, do not reveal personal identity, mobile phone number, family and parents or relative’s phone, bank account number, verification code and other related information to strangers.

3. 不要轻信来历不明的电话和手机短信,即使遇到能够说出自己姓名、住址等个人相关信息的陌生电话或短信也不要轻信,需要通过其他渠道核实;如果是熟人、朋友发来的信息,也需要电话核实,不给犯罪分子进一步设圈套的机会。

Do not believe the origin of unknown phone calls and mobile phone messages, even if you know their name, address and other personal information of strange phone calls or text messages one should be wary, and verify through other channels. If an acquaintance or friend sent the information, you should still verify, do not give criminals additional opportunities to catch you.

4. 学习了解银行卡常识,保证自己银行卡内资金安全,决不向陌生人汇款、转账;公司财务人员和经常有资金往来的人群等,在汇款、转账前,要再三核实对方的账户,不要让不法分子得逞。

Learn to understand the bank card common sense, ensure the safety of your own bank card funds, never give to a stranger’s remittance, or transfer. A company’s financial personnel, those who often handle money and so on, during the remittance, and transfer, should remember to double check each other's accounts, in order to prevent possible fraud.

5. 陌生短信、邮件、社交工具中发来的链接不要轻易点击,陌生应用不要随便安装。可在正规应用下载网站安装安全软件,可以有效识别和拦截诈骗电话、诈骗短信、木马程序。

Don't click on links sent from unknown SMS, email, and social media, and don't install unknown apps. One can find safe and secure anti-virus applications which will help you effectively identify and intercept untrustworthy phone calls and SMS messages, as well as Trojan viruses.

6. 不将个人信息留在不熟悉或不正规的机构中,更不可在网上随意注册、填写自己的身份证号码、手机号码、银行卡号等私人信息,网银账号、普通社交账号密码要区分,密码定期修改,谨防信息泄露。

Do not leave personal information in unfamiliar or informal institutions, do not register online, or fill in personal ID card number, mobile phone number, bank card number and other private information. Online banking accounts, ordinary social account passwords should be differentiated, and passwords regularly changed, beware of information leakage.

7. 不要随便添加陌生人的社交账号。使用社交软件需特别谨慎,在网上有陌生账号添加好友时,要时刻保持警惕。不要将自己个人信息随意泄露给陌生人。

Don't add social media accounts of strangers. Use social software with extreme caution, and be vigilant when adding friends with unfamiliar accounts online. Don't give out your personal information to strangers.

8. 及时报案。万一上当受骗,可直接拨打110向公安机关报案。报警时请携带涉案的电话号码、短信息内容、网络地址、银行账号及卡号等详细情况,以使公安机关开展侦查破案。

Report the crime promptly. In case of being deceived, you can directly dial 110 to report the crime to the Public Security Bureau. Please bring the phone number, SMS message content, network address, bank account number and card number when you call the police, in order to aid the Public Security Bureau in carrying out the investigation and solving the case.

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