第一条 为加强我校来华留学生签证与居留证件管理,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》(中华人民共和国主席令第57号)和《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》(中华人民共和国国务院令第637号),特制定本办法。
Article 1: In order to strengthen the management of visas and residence permits for international students at Shanxi University, in accordance with the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Exit and Entry” (Order No. 57 of the President of the People's Republic of China) and “Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners”(State Council Order No. 637), have hereby formulated these measures.
第二条 X1签证在持证人入境30天内有效,持X1签证入境的来华留学生应在签证有效期截止前至少10天申请办理居留证件。
Article 2: The X1 visa is valid within 30 days after the holder enters the country. International students entering China with the X1 visa should apply for a residence permit at least 10 days before the expiration of the visa validity period.
第三条 X2签证在持证人入境180天内有效,持X2签证入境且在中国学习期限超过180天的来华留学生应在签证有效期截止前至少10天申请办理居留证件。持X2签证入境且在中国学习期限不超过180天的来华留学生不需要办理居留证件。
Article 3: The X2 visa is valid within 180 days after the holder enters the country. International students who enter China with an X2 visa and have a study period of more than 180 days in China should apply for a residence permit at least 10 days before the expiration date of the visa. International students who enter China with an X2 visa and study in China for less than 180 days do not need to apply for a residence permit.
第四条 来华留学生入境后入住或变更住宿地点均需在入住后24小时内(“24小时内”是指来华留学生从住宿之日起计算)前往住地派出所申报住宿登记,填写境外人员住宿登记表,管理老师将监督执行。如未在规定时间内办理,公安局出入境管理部门将给予警告,并处以2000元以下罚款。
Article 4: All international students, after entering China or after checking into or changing place of accommodation, must go to the local police station to apply for accommodation registration and fill in the accommodation registration form for foreigners, within 24 hours of check-in (24 hours is calculated from the moment an international student checked into the place of accommodation). The registration form will be supervised by the management teacher. If this registration is not done within the specified time, then the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau will give a warning and impose a fine of not more than 2,000 yuan.
第五条 在学校留学生公寓住宿的来华留学生的境外人员住宿登记由学院辅导员到辖区派出所办理。在校外租房居住的来华留学生由学生本人在规定时间内到住地辖区派出所办理境外人员住宿登记。
Article 5: The accommodation registration of International students who live in the school’s dormitory shall be handled by the teacher responsible. For international students living in rented houses off campus, the students themselves shall go to the local police station for foreigner accommodation registration, within the specified time.
第六条 来华留学生非法就业的,处5000元以上20000元以下罚款;情节严重的,处5日以上15日以下拘留,并处5000元以上20000元以下罚款。
Article 6: International students who work illegally in China, shall be fined between 5,000 and 20,000 yuan; in more serious circumstance,they shall be detained for 5 - 15 days and also be fined between 5,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan.
第七条 来华留学生从事与停留居留事由不相符的活动,或者有其他违反中国法律、法规规定,不适宜在中国境内继续停留居留情形的,可以处限期出境。
Article 7: International students in China who engage in activities that are inconsistent with the purpose of stay or residence, or have other circumstances that violate Chinese laws and regulations, may be viewed not suitable for continued stay or residence in China, and may be subjected to a time limit in which they must leave the country.
If an international student in China violates the provisions of this law and the circumstances are serious and do not constitute a crime, the Ministry of Public Security may impose a deportation. The punishment decision of the Ministry of Public Security shall be final.
Foreigners who are deported, shall not be allowed to enter the country within 10 years from the date of deportation.
第八条 学校原则上不接收持有非X1和X2签证的外国人为留学生。
Article 8: In principle, the school does not accept foreigners as international students of Shanxi University who hold non-X1 or non-X2 visas.
第九条 办理居留证件前,来华留学生需交清学费和保险费并提供缴费凭证,否则不予办理居留许可手续。到课率不足80%,成绩不合格的来华留学生,不予办理居留许可延期手续。
Article 9: Before a residence permit is processed, international students must pay tuition and insurance fees and provide proof of payment, otherwise the residence permit will not be processed. International students who have a class attendance rate of less than 80% and unqualified grades will not be allowed to apply for extension of their residence permit.
To apply for the extension of the residence permit, one must go to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau within 30 days before the expiration of the current residence permit.
第十条 自国内其他高校转学至我校,持学习类居留证件的来华留学生,须在学校接收后的10日内(且在居留许可有效期内)办理居留许可变更手续。逾期未办理的将由公安局出入境管理部门给予警告,并处2000元以下罚款。
Article 10: International students who transfer to our school from other universities in China and hold a study-type residence permits must go through the procedures for changing their residence permits within 10 days of being accepted by our school (also within the validity period of the residence permit). Failure to do so will attract a warning by the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau and a fine of not more than 2,000 yuan will be imposed.
International students from our school who intend to transfer to other colleges and universities must be issued a transfer certificate at the School of International Education and Exchange, and within 10 days (also within the validity period of the residence permit) of arriving at the place of relocation,shall go to the immigration department of the public security bureau to update the residence permit.
第十一条 来华留学生护照到期需更换新护照的,应提前6个月向大使馆申请,在拿到新护照的10日内需向公安局出入境管理部门申请新的居留许可。逾期未办理的给予警告,并由公安局出入境部门处2000元以下罚款。
Article 11: International students in China who need to renew their passports should apply at to the embassy 6 months in advance and apply for a new residence permit from the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau within 10 days of obtaining the new passport. Those who fail to complete the procedures within the time limit shall be given a warning and shall be punished by the entry and exit department of the Public Security Bureau with a fine of not more than 2,000 yuan.
第十二条 首次申请办理学习类居留证件所需纸质材料如下:
Article 12: The materials required for first application for study residence permit are as follows:
“Foreigner Visa Application Form”;
Original passport and a copy of the passport data page, photo page, valid visa page, and last entry stamp;
School invitation letter;
The original Admission Letter;
"Health Certificate" issued by Shanxi International Travel Health Care Center;
The original and a photocopy of the foreigner accommodation registration form;
Tuition and insurance payment receipts (to be provided before processing);
All the above materials must be submitted to the visa administrator 20 days before the visa expires.
第十三条 申请办理学习类居留证件延期所需材料如下:
Article 13 The materials required to apply for the extension of the study-type residence permit are as follows:
"Foreigner Visa Application Form";
Original passport and a copy of the passport data page, photo page, valid visa page, and last entry stamp;
School invitation letter;
The original Admission Letter;
The original and a photocopy of accommodation registration form for foreigners;
Tuition and insurance payment receipts (to be provided before processing);
Students who postpone graduation should provide an"Application Form for Extension of Study Period";
All the above materials must be submitted to the visa administrator 40 days before the expiration of the residence permit.
第十四条 留学生的配偶和学前子女等家属需申请团聚类S1或者S2签证,但有效期不能超过学生签证的有效期限。如遇特殊情况,将以中国公安部有关规定执行。
Article 14:The spouse and pre-school children and other family members of international students need to apply for S1 or S2 visa, but the validity period cannot exceed the validity period of the student visa. In case of special circumstances, the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Public Security of China will be implemented.
Family members of international students must submit the following materials for relevant procedures:
"Foreigner Visa Application Form";
Original passport and a copy of the passport data page, photo page, valid visa page, and last entry stamp;
School invitation letter;
Invitation letter issued by the international student;
"Health Certificate" issued by Shanxi International Travel Health Care Center (required for the first application);
The original and a photocopy of the accommodation registration form for foreigners;
The original and a photocopy of the family relationship certificate (the "Certificate of Family Relationship" eg. Marriage certificates, birth certificates; should be processed and notarized in the country where you belong, and then certified at the Chinese embassy (consulate) in your country. Certificate of family relationships issued in China will be deemed invalid. Use of family relationship certification for visa extension is only relevant and applicable to couples and preschool children.)
All the above materials must be submitted to the visa administrator 20 days before the expiration
of the visa and 40 days before the expiration of the residence permit.
第十五条 来华留学生如发现护照遗失,应按以下程序处理:
Article 15: If an international student in China finds that their passport is lost, they should follow the procedures below:
Report the case to the local police station;
Take the report issued by the police station and the photocopy of the original passport to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Taiyuan Public Security Bureau to apply for the certificate of passport loss report;
Go to your country’s embassy or consulate in China to be reissued a new passport;
With the new passport, go to the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau to reapply for a residence permit or visa.
第十六条 来华留学生应认真学习相关法律法规,按要求及时办理居留证件申请、延期或变更手续,并承担逾期未办理所产生的相应法律责任。
Article 16: International students at Shanxi University should carefully study relevant laws and regulations, go through the procedures for residence permit application, extend or change in a timely manner as required, and bear the corresponding legal responsibilities arising from failure to complete the procedures within the time limit.
International students should apply for residence permit and extension of residence permit, to the entry and exit administration department of public security bureau as required. After successfully applying for a residence permit, international students must go to the School of International Education and Exchange to put on file a copy of visa and residence permit pages.
第十七条 外国人非法居留的,给予警告;情节严重的,处每非法居留一日500元,总额不超过10000元的罚款或者五日以上十五日以下拘留。
Article 17: Foreigners who reside illegally shall be given a warning; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be fined 500 yuan per day of illegal stay, with a total amount not exceeding 10,000 yuan, or detained for between 5 and 15 days.
If a guardian or other person with guardianship responsibility fails to fulfill the guardianship obligation, and a foreigner under the age of 16 is illegally staying, the guardian or other person with guardianship responsibility shall be given a warning and may be fined not more than 1,000 yuan.
第十八条 公安机关出入境管理部门作出的不予办理普通签证延期、换发、补发,不予办理外国人停留居留证件、不予延长居留期限的决定为最终决定。
Article 18: The decisions by the Exit-Entry Administration Department of the Public Security Bureau to extend or not to extend, renew or reissue ordinary visas, to process or not to process foreigners’ residence permits, and to extend or not to extend the period of stay shall be final.
第十九条 根据维护国家安全、公共安全的需要,公安机关、国家安全机关可以限制外国人、外国机构在某些地区设立居住或者办公场所;对已经设立的,限期迁离。
Article 19: According to the needs of maintaining national security and public security, public security organs and national security organs may restrict foreigners and foreign institutions from establishing residence or office premises in certain areas; for those already established, they shall be removed within a specified time.
Without approval, foreigners may not enter areas restricted to foreigners.
第二十条 年满十六周岁的外国人在中国境内停留居留,应当随身携带本人的护照,或者外国人停留居留证件,接受公安机关的查验。
Article 20: Foreigners who have reached the age of 16 staying in China shall carry their passports or foreigners’ residence permits with them at all time, and accept inspection by public security organs.